Drink water for the first 2 hours – minimum two 8 oz. cups. You may drink all you want. Keep your gums moist.
Please avoid foods that are oily and greasy, have a dark sauce or juice, or may streak your teeth. Drinks need to be clear or white (i.e. milk) for a minimum of 24 hours after your teeth whitening.
Avoid extremely hot or cold, acidic, or artificially colored beverages (No coffees teas, fruit juices, Powder Drinks, etc.)
Avoid the use of tobacco products for minimum 2 hours but we recommend 24 hours
Wait 4 hours to Brush and floss gently the next 24 hours – use Sensodyne or similar toothpaste if you experience any pain past 48 hours
Use over the counter pain reliever if you experience pain during the first 48 hours
Do not use any home teeth whitening products for 24 hours – if teeth/gums are still sensitive after 24 hours then wait till the sensitivity subsides
Do not use colored lipstick for 24 hours (clear ChapStick or lip gloss is acceptable)
How long will the results of the whitening session last?
Your diet and daily dental care will affect how long the results will last. Major stain causers are dark foods, dark sauces, fresh fruit & vegetables, coffee, teas, dark sodas, citrus drinks, red wines, dark sodas & beers, and tobacco products.
The results of your LED Teeth whitening session is not permanent and a relapse to darker teeth will happen.
Aloe or Peroxide Allergies: If you get a blister reaction from the use of Aloe or Peroxide gel you can use Vitamin E oil (available at most drug stores) and apply to the sore and it will generally disappear within 24-48 hours.
If you have a severe reaction please seek medical attention.
Maintenance of your Whiter Smile
Please brush and floss regularly. Rinse with water after eating or drinking dark food or drink items.
We offer a touch up pen at a discount for our customers to extend the life of your whitening